Akanishi kun is awesome!!

20 May 2009...
Assalammualaikum and good morning....

Another fancams of Jin performance. You know, I can't stop it. I just love him so much and everything about him make me overly excited. Yesteday Jin is the one who choose the medley for member corner. He choose Le ciel, Murasaki, Six Sense and Love or Like. Many fans satisfied with Kat-Tun performance for yesterday concert. I always get their info here http://community.livejournal.com/kattunlove

To the video.....


Ok, what I'm doing today? Nothing actually. I just wrote some story that can be upload here. My own novel. Write just for fun. So, please looking forward for it. You know what, I can't help it. Everytime I want to write a novel, I always want to choose my own name and I will include my friends roll in it. I don't know why. But please, I don't mean no harm. I just use my own name. So it doesn't mean nothing. And about my friends name, I think they will understand it if I use it.

Sleepy now....good night!


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