Showing posts from 2011
Harimau Muda Mengaum di hadapan hampir 100k penyokong Garuda
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Assalammualaikum.... First of all, sorry sbb x tengok perlawanan penuh bola sepak Harimau Muda menentang Garuda. Sibuk nk siapkan final year projek. So, sambil2 wat keje kat laptop tu, updatelah news guna twitter. Masa mula2 tu harapan x lah meninggi mana pun buat pasukan Malaysia bcoz for me myself, if I put my hope to higher, it is easily to crush down. Seriously. So, dlm update2 kat twitter dapat tahu Garuda mendahului game dengan gol 1-0. X rasa apa2 sangat. Mungkin sbb sy ni pun bukannya kaki bola. Then, gol pertama Harimau Muda menyusul. Start jer gol sama, hati dah excited. 'Boleh tahan gak team bolasepak aku ni' , itulah yg bermain kat fikiran aku masa tu. Tapi lepas tu otak stil fokus kat projek lah. Tup,tup, dpt tahu game dipanjangkan dgn dua masa tambahan but still x dpt apa2 gol lg. Lastly, PK time. PK ni pun aku baru tgk kat utube subuh tadi. Smlm berhenti wat projek sbb mengantuk sangat. Cool jer pemain Harimau Muda wat PK kecuali si Fakri. Emm...x salah...
Help me to fill this survey....
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This survey if about potential of using ICT in Islamic-based education. My group need to do term paper about this title, so, hope can help me out! Thank you so much for case u answer this survey. Thank you!!
Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!!
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Assalammualaikum... Setelah asyik menjadi fangirl sepenuh masa, ni nk jadi manusia balik. Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha! Seluruh umat Islam yg berkemampuan pastinya sedang menjalani ibadah haji di Makkah di kala ini. Ibu saya cakap saya mungkin berpeluang utk menjalani ibadah haji tahun 2023 sbb ibu dah daftar nama kitorang sekeluarga. Moga2 dipanjangkan umur dan masa tu aku mampu bayar utk diri aku,huhuhu!!
Using ITunes for the 1st time....
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Assalammualaikum.... Well, hello there!! I'm excited now coz i can finally buy Test Drive by Jin Akanishi from iTunes that will come out this 8th nov! This is my first time using iTunes and it's quite difficult since Jin's song will only release in U.S, and i need US account. So, i went through some tutorial made by others Jin's fans. With that, i manage to create US aacount for iTunes. Second problem is, i need to have Gift Card to buy it, since i'm not in US. I'm trying to find out easier way to buy Gift Card. Some fans advice me to buy it in any Apple Store, or buy it online. Somehow i dun know where to find any near Apple Store. So, i found out this website --> . It say i can have Gift Card pin immediately after i buy it. However, i try to buy it using credit card but it looks like it does not accept my credit card. Then i wonder, how can i buy it? I read some instructions and it turns out that i can use 7E...
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Assalammualaikum... I just finish watching Al-Hijab. New Malay movie director by Pierre Andre. Watching this with kak su, my two younger sisters and my little brother. Time specific at 10.45 pm at BP Mall. Well, i really like horror movie but this movie totally ass kick! The feeling already there at the beginning of story. Totally terrific! ...I mean exclude how this story end bcoz it ruin my expectations to see a good ending honestly. But the main point is still there. However, among all the Pierre movie, i can see that all the heroin does have the problem with their acting. Pierre acting is ok but the heroins will be lack over here and there. I'm quite scared too in certain scene and this movie manage to make me close my eyes..huhuhu...too scared..! Anyway, congratz Pierre! I do agree with Tun Mahathir saying that Malaysia have to many horror movie and it kind of not good to the new generation however, Al-Hijab basically not about only ghost, it is about fact where Al...
Amused with the title....
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Assalammualaikum.... See the title! Yup! Actually i saw an amused title at Metro newspaper headline. Before i saw the newspaper, i already read it in Hot Fm twitter mention the same title as this. So, my fangirling thought is....what Jin Akanishi Online? Is it sumthing that me as a fans doesn't know? Wah, it hurt my pride if this is true...but it turn out sumthing else. Well, in Islam the word Jin represent one of Allah creature that can't be see with bare eyes and this creature is actually bad. That is the meaning of 'Jin' in Islam context. So, the newspaper headline today basically say that people now can associate with this bad creature 'Jin' by online. Yeah, sumthing that is not logic but many weird things/situation happens in Malaysia lately. Make me things, what happen? If u understand Malay, u will understand based on the pictures below.... Ok, that's all i wan to share. Currently want to do my FYP project. Wish me luck! Too lazy to go to cl...
Yet, another fangirling post...
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Assalammualaikum.... Aloha!! I just watch my hubby in Tackichannel part 2! He is so cute! Yeah, this post is about my Jin Akanishi. Another figure that i adore. Below is the video if u wan to watch it... Well, of course i dun understand. But some fans already to kind to translate it so i understand it now,huhuhu!! I keep waiting for announcement of his debut date in US. And he say he will work on Japan single too!! Honestly, being Jin's fans is very challenge and hav to be patient....really,really patient! Aaaa....i hope the time will come soon! and my blog might be full with him for that.. Lalalla!! Let me hav a sweetdream about him tonight! Wassalam!!
Look What I Just Bought!!!
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Assalammualaikum!!! AKHIRNYA! AKHIRNYA! AKHIRNYA! I successfully manage to hold/own/buy/whatever word it is.....Dato' Siti Nurhaliza new album, 'ALL YOUR LOVE'! Let me show the picture as a proof.. FINALLY!! CHYEAH!! Ok, as i already own this, i will give my little opinion based on my music interest. I love CT but if the song sound...meh to me, i absolutely will not like it. Before i start my mumbling about this album, i wan 2 confess that i actually already download this album for free b4 i buy it. Where? Shh,secret! So, i already listen to all the songs. But luckily the CD price is not too expensive. RM29.90. So, i quickly went 2 near shopping mall and search for CD shop. First of all, i wan to comment about the cd and cover. I dun like it honestly coz too colorful? I like her previous cover album (excluded CTKD album) especially Transkripsi and Prasasti Seni. This cover album and other pictures in it does not show her true...
New Semester = New Life/New Spirit??
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Assalammualaikum.... Ok, this is already in second week of my new semester!! CHYEAHH!! InsyaAllah, this semester = final semester. After finishing my practical, now it is time to 'perah otak' for my final year project 2. Supposedly i need to come out with a little development of my group fyp during my practical time but unfortunately, yeah, i can't do that. I'm not a multitasking person?? May-be, maybe bcoz i can do many things in one times only when i love to do it ^_^ . I'm taking approximately 18 credit hours and only get one class for Monday and Wednesday while Tuesday and Thursday i have the rest, which are 1..2.....4 classes! i have 4 classes on Tuesday and Thursday guys! So i'm sleeping beauty on Monday and Wed . Back to the topic. So, is New Semester = New Life/New Spirit?? Neeehhh! It equal to this ---> or maybe this ---> . Seriously i'm happy, so much happy to start a new semester! But after started it...... 'i wan to go hom...
Salam Aidilfitri 1432H....
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Assalammualaikum.... Selepas hampir 30 hari kita menjalani ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadan, berjumpa juga kita akhirnya dengan bulan Syawal, pendek citer Raya lah. Hari ini sudah raya yg ke-9. Tahun ni Alhamdulillah cam tahun2 lepas, x semeriah mana tapi terbaik! Rumah pun dah siap kemas sebelum balik Muar sehari sebelum raya. Kitorang mmg sokmo gitu setiap tahun sbb atuk ngan nenek belah ibu dah x der, so mmg balik Muar sejak tu. Rasanya sejak 17 tahun yg lepas. Sebenarnya mmg dah lupa sepenuhnya saat2 beraya di JB. Serius aku x ingat. Even ada gambarlah juga masa raya kat JB tapi mmg aku x ingat langsung camner perasaan beraya di sana. Tapi apa2 pun, aku adalah sikit memori masa duk umah atuk ngan nenek kat JB. Rumah diorang rumah satu tingkat. Hah, yg tu aku ingat! Sbb setiap kali balik JB, aku ngan family mesti tidur kat tingkat atas dan mengadap tingkap. Masa tu, aku selalu terbayangkan ada hantu muncul kat tingkap tu. Biasalah, bdk2. Then, aku suka main buaian kat depan umah. Tuk C...
X tahu nk letak tajuk apa...
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Family nyer kad raya. Aku wat cincai dgn skil level 1 aku...
Ini kad raya aku!!
Assalammualaikum.... Tinggal lebih kurang empat hari lagi, seluruh umat Islam di seluruh dunia akan menyambut kedatangan bulan Syawal selepas hampir 30 hari menjalani ibadah puasa. Masa sememangnya berlalu dgn pantas. Jadi, sudah bersiap sedia kah utk. menempuh dugaan yg. lebih besar lepas ni? Almaklumlah masa bulan Ramadan kena kawal sini, kena kawal sana, x leh peluk2 awek/pakwe, x gitu? Kes aku lak, lps ni aku x yah masak dah,hahahaha!! Sbb masa bulan pose, mmg aku kena jadi chef wei. Duk sibuk buka internet cari resepi utk dijadikan juadah berbuka pose. Tapi lepas ni, tugas tersebut kembali kepada my mummy,hehehehe! Rasa sangat2 bertuah menjadi diri ini yg dilahirkan di bumi Malaysia. Tahun ni, kita Merdeka Raya kan sbb Hari Merdeka pun disambut sama dgn Hari raya. Tarikh 31 Ogos 1957, kita akan sambut Hari Merdeka yg ke 54 tahun dengan tema, 1Malaysia, 'Transformasi Berjaya, Rakyat Sejahtera...
Leganya hati....
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Today, almost 17 days already we're fasting. Fuh, time definitely pass quickly then we thought. Yesterday, my university supervisor make a final visit. So, now, i'm absolutely feel relieve as i already present in front of him. Even i had still not complete my task, i hope my supervisor give me a good grade. This industrial attachment programme worth 6 credit hour beb! Just imagine if i got A, my pointer will rise almost double! Ok, i dun know how to calculate CGPA but it's definitely helps if i got a great grade.
Ah, last Monday, i came out in newspaper! I never read Sinar Harian before. My father only buy New Straits Times and Utusan. Only when i'm in UTHM i start to read Sinar Harian. It's only a picture of me and others staffs during iftar with media. Wan to c the picture? Tgklah kat bawah ni...
Which one is me? Pndai2 lah teka. Ok, next. Saya baru belajar wat gif atau animated picture. Sukernya! Tadi pun baru wat photoshop. Tapi skil...
Pelikkah saya bila.....
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Pelikkah saya atau sekurang-kurangnya anda berasa saya pelik bila.....
1. Saya suka hijau tapi saya tak suka warna hijau askar.
2. Saya orang Johor tapi saya tak suka makan tempe.
3. Saya duduk area Batu Pahat tapi saya tak suka makan nasi bariani gam.
4. Saya suka makan durian tapi saya tak suka makan masakan berasaskan durian seperti tempoyak.
5. Saya suka sambal kacang tapi saya tak suka kacang tanah.
6. Saya suka kekemasan tapi saya malas mengemas(kemas bilik tidur, bleh. kemas rumah,no,no,no)
7. Saya memiliki lagu-lagu berbahasa asing (Jepun dan Korea) lebih banyak dari lagu Melayu...? (aku rasa ini bukan pelik, ini lupa daratan)
8. Saya benci kat artis tu tp still follow up artis tu.
9. Saya minat,gila,cinta kat artis ni sampai sanggup defend artis ni bermati-matian kalo ada org berani dtg kutuk. Saya dulu pernah gaduh ngan org Filipina sbb diorang kutuk Dato' Siti. Hah, jgn main2 ngan kekuatan die hard fan ni.
10. Saya rasa kartun ...
Tidak kusangka-sangka.....
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Aduiya, aku terlupa aku nyer web based registration smlm start kul 12 pagi. Aku mati2 ingat kul 5 ptg. Bila balik keje smlm, terus masak, berbuka, solat-solat then terus tido. x smpt nk online. Ingat blehlah buka masa keje ari ni. Rupa2nyer ku tersalah waktu. Ceh, terpaksa tunggu 12 Ogos baru bleh tgk balik. Tapi aku rasa x der masalah kot registration utk sem depan cuma ada satu subjek yg x dpt amik so trpaksa tukar ngan subjek lain. Lantak ko lah,labu.
Ahad hari tu, ku telah membeli belah bersama-sama ibu dan adik perempuan bongsu ku. Lokasi? Carrefour. Tujuan? membeli tudung raya. Kenderaan? Serena yg baru siap dibaiki. Masa? 12 tghari? Alrite, yup, kitorang gi membeli belah tudung sambil2 cuci-cuci mata apa yg perlu dibeli. Ibu ada beli penggantung kunci ala2 inggeris. Then tersangkut kat kedai Najah. Beli tudung ala-ala fesyen ni... Tiba2 teringat Arwah Aleesya Farhana pakai tudung gaya ni masa masuk mahkamah. Meninggal dunia dah dia. Walaupun agak terkila...