Amused with the title....


See the title! Yup! Actually i saw an amused title at Metro newspaper headline. Before i saw the newspaper, i already read it in Hot Fm twitter mention the same title as this. So, my fangirling thought is....what Jin Akanishi Online? Is it sumthing that me as a fans doesn't know? Wah, it hurt my pride if this is true...but it turn out sumthing else. Well, in Islam the word Jin represent one of Allah creature that can't be see with bare eyes and this creature is actually bad. That is the meaning of 'Jin' in Islam context. So, the newspaper headline today basically say that people now can associate with this bad creature 'Jin' by online. Yeah, sumthing that is not logic but many weird  things/situation happens in Malaysia lately. Make me things, what happen? If u understand Malay, u will understand based on the pictures below....

Ok, that's all i wan to share. Currently want to do my FYP project. Wish me luck! Too lazy to go to class today! Wassalam!


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