Tribute to Ustaz Asri Ibrahim.....

15 Oct 2009.....

First of all, Al-Fatihah for Ustaz Asri from Rabbani.

Last Tuesday night, I had a chance to go to concert as a tribute to Ustaz Asri. Many nasyid artist were involved such as Raihan, Rabbani, Hijjaz, In-Team, Saujana, Far-East, Syifa' and etc. Honestly I'm not a nasyid fans so I can't remember the members name except Raihan because I already familiar with them since I was kid. So, at 8 pm, I went with Intan and Alifah to CAC. Dress nicely, black baju kurung. At first I want to wear selendang outside of my tudung but then it seem not look too nice, so I decided to just wear a tudung as usual. I was excited even I'm not big fans of nasyid. Then, the opening ceremony started with one group, I don't have any idea what group is that but I think they are IIUM student, sang 'Di mana kan ku cari ganti'. However the one that I like the most was the group that play the percussion. How should I explain this? You know tabla, gendang, that usually use in nasyid performance? Hah, actually I like that want. The music that they play really......I can't say it by word but you can say that it can make my body move with the rythym. Well, I still love traditional instrument though.

The concert started. I'm sorry because I can't list all the songs since I don't familiar with it. Whenever one group finished their performance, they show the slide about arwah Ustaz Asri. Actually, I have something want to share here. When I went to umrah for the first time, last June, I saw him. Well, it is not me who is notice his present, it is my mother. I'm not Rabbani fans, so when I saw him and his friends at the money changer beside the hotel where I stay, I just say...'ooo'. My bad for not greet him at that time. Somehow I didn't notice this will happen. Just like my arwah atuk. I though that he will be fine after we sent him to hospital but then......Allah love him more than us. Same goes to arwah Ustaz Asri. I cry again at that concert because it make me remember back what happen in Makkah. I regret not to take care arwah atuk and I regret also because act arrogant and don't greet arwah Ustaz Asri........
Then, let me share some picture......
This is how it looks like inside CAC.
IIUM night view.... the conclusion that I have here, once you get a chance, don't ignore it and think that you still get a same chance next time because it may become your first and the last chance. Thanks for reading and wassalam.....Photobucket


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