09 August 2009

You know, I don't know how lucky I'm to have my ibu Photobucket. She is such a wonderful woman and mother. Recently I'd make her a little mad with me because of some reason but then, she still do everything just for me. Photobucket That's why all her child became spoiler like me, hehehehehehe......Photobucket

She buy me a broadband actually. I'm very thankful and I'm using broadband instead of university wireless right now. So, I don't have to go out from my room and can do many work in everywhere. I kind of get sore throat and a little flu. Want to go checking but right now the clinic here have lot of people. So, despite risking myself from get affected by a virus in that clinic, I have to wait first. But I hope I can recovered as soon as possible.

I'm pity with my friend. She also buy a broadband for herself but don't know where is the mistake, her laptop cannot support the broadband model, only her laptop. When I try the model using my laptop, the broadband function well and when she try my broadband in her laptop, it can be use too. I'm using different model from her. Her model is Vodafone meanwhile my model.......I don't know the name is. But it is weird when Vodafone cannot be using in her laptop. I mean, her laptop using XP windows, nothing wrong, so, why cannot be used? Moreover, since last week, I think we went back and forth to the shop where she buy that broadband. I think 3 days straight? But still cannot find any solution. My friends ask for other model as exchange since her laptop cannot support Vodafone but they say they don't have stock. When, my friends want her money back, I mean she want to return the broadband, they refused to take it back. They suggest her to format the laptop or change the OS. But I do think her laptop is not a problem, as well as the broadband. Why don't they just change the model of broadband for her? It is too hard to do? After this we want to go straight to Celcom Centre but we need to find a free times. Well, I'm frustrated too and you can imagine she is more frustrated than me. It almost one week and second week will begin but still she can't use her broadband.

Ok, I ended here. Want to do assignment. There are a lot. So, look forward for the next entry, Wassalam. Photobucket Photobucket


  1. I think, u're the only one that spoiler...
    len kali jgn mintak bkn2...
    guna ape yg uia ade...jgn download bkn2...
    angah bkn xkasi awk tlg kwn, tp berpada2 lah...


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