The 8th Interschool Debating Championship 2009...

25 April 2009.....
Assalammualaikum and gud morning...
This is the end of the day for Round 1, Round 2 and Round 3. Tomorrow, the participants of this debating have to continue it with Round 4, Round 5 and Round 6. This style of debate is called as PowerMatch. Which mean, each team must finished all the six round before proceed it to the next level. PowerMatch based on the team margin. More margin they have, they will get higher ranking. What is Margin? Margin is the differences mark from both team.

Hait, I'm committe welfare but at the same time become an usher to one team which is MRSM Taiping B. So, my job is to lead this team to their right room or in Malay we call it as bilik Sidang. Ah, forgot to tell, my team is Malay debaters. So, I have Habibah, Amalia, Sarah n Liyana but I forgot to ask the other one, he is boy, sorry dik!

In Round 1, they got Sidang 25 n unfortunately, that room is at level 4. They brought one big bag, the pull one. I thought inside it is their clothes. Yeh, maybe they want to change cloth or something but then I realize that bag actually contain their books....not a small book but thick book. And almost all the team brought their large bag together. So, level 4, large bag..........just understand it by yourself. Their opponent a.k.a opposition is Sek Dato' Ahmad Maher B from Kelantan. Beside that, I'm also a timekeeper and make a ring using a bell. First time meh! Alhamdulillah my team win for this round.

After break for maybe only 15 minute, Round 2 started. Same with the Round 1, all the team need to gather in the Moot Court for release motion event. Release Motion is where the organizer will release the opponent for each team, which one is government and opposition and which room will be use. Then, when we, the usher already bring the team at the right place, two team that will face each other have to decide which topic from 3 topic to debate. Ah, forgot again, release motion also came out with the 3 topic of choice for the participants. Both team will be quarantine which mean, no outsider is allowed to help ot give them any information. Only the discussion between 4 debaters for each team. Government usually use the room meanwhile the opposition have to discuss outside the room. So, usher need to alert and make sure their team is not cheated. Only reading materials and online information is allowed to help them.

Ok, back to the topic. My team meet SM Islam Hidayah A and this time my team is opposition and it took place at Sidang 7. For this round, my team lost. But only with a small margin. I think for this round, we finisehd it at 7.30 pm or something.

At 8.30 pm, we gather back at Moot Court for the next release motion. Round 3 my team get Sidang 21 as Government back and the oppossition is SM Sains Seri Puteri. It already 9.40 pm when the debate get started. You can imagine how sleepy I am at that time. But my team really energetic and confident. Alhamdulillah, they win here and congrats Habibah for become the best debater. Ah, the Round 1 I think Amalia and Round 2 my team don't get the best debater.

So, we finished today debate at 10.50 something maybe. Usher have a short briefing before all of us can go back. Fuh! Now is 00.55. So, that's all the report for today. For tomorrow, if I can update again, I will update for the next day debate. So, now gud night and Wassalam.


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