Falling in Love by Siti Nurhaliza

This song is by Malaysia Song Bird, Siti Nurhaliza. I think it is not too exaggerate if i call her as Malaysia Diva. Before, Siti already sing a few English song but nobody really care about it actually bcoz people know her more when she sing in Malay. So, can i say this is the first time Siti promote her English song like she promote her other Malay songs? But this time, Siti take a risk to hav this single to become her first single to debut in US...is it US? i dun remember which country. I love this song bcoz it still hav asian feeling in it with beautiful voice from Siti. Two my favorite singers right know, Jin and Siti really wan to fly higher and achieve their dream. So, good luck to both of them! Let's watch one of Jin's performance too!


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