A Little Mumbling from Me....

24 June 2009....

It's already a week is it? Well, not that I'm lazy to write anything here but I have to gain back my strength.Photobucket The past two days, I went to my grandparent house. I'm not sleeping there. Just go and then back again to my house. When I was there, when I was in a kitchen, I still can hear or maybe it is just my feeling, I hear someone cough just like my late atuk. Gosh, how I miss him right now....Photobucket

Recently my younger sister say that she want to transfer back to her old school. She ask about my opinion before we sent her back to her hostel last sunday. Actually I'm quite agree and support her if she want to go backPhotobucket. However, suddenly she change her mind and decided to just continue at her current school now. You know, I hate Photobucket someone that cannot make up his/her mind. Seriously I will be happy if she went back here, my youngest sister also looking forward for it but...she want to stay...ok then, just stay.

Suddenly I love to play with animated gif picture. It's cute right? So, credit to whom make those gif. I may go back to my university this 9 or 10 July. Photobucket SECOND YEAR?!! Time is really GOLD, neih? I hope my next semester will not make me like this Photobucket

Ok, then, until here. See you next. Wassalam. Photobucket


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