Assalammualaikum and morning!

It already 2016!! Time surely pass quickly than i expected. What happen with 2015? Many things happen but will write whatever things that i remember only.

Alhamdulillah, i still get a chance to continue with my life till now. On 19 sep 2015, i got married with my mr right. InsyaAllah he is the one for me till jannah.

I already got 4 anak sedara. 3 boys and 1 girl. On 14 dec 2015, i got my latest anak sedara. Muhammad Afiq. Let me check my anak sedara pictures.

Iyash and Atih. Remember i'm writing about my first anak sedara, my brother first child? Here he is with his brother Atih. He already got a brother.

 This is Adriana. My sister first child. The only girl for now.

Here is the latest one! Afiq! Afiq! Afiq! My sister second child. His small face does looks like his sister when she's born. Probably will look cute like his sister when he grow up.

Then, what else? My job is running as usual. No new project for now. But after getting married, it looks like i'm getting old and more2 tired. Need to eat some supplement again. 
My bias still the same, Jin Akanishi and new one, Huang Zitao, chinese born idol. Tao is former member of EXO. So, just like Jin, Tao is the one who brought me to EXO. However basically i do not care about this group name EXO previously bcoz i'm so into DBSK. After the break, then i pay attention to the other group. And somehow i watch video of Tao in Idol Olympic?? Then from there i started to know EXO. 
Last year, Tao make a decision to leave EXO. And i also make a decision to follow him, hahahha. Tao and Jin hav same spirit animal, panda! And and these two people compose music that really eargasm for me! So, these two will be my bias for now. Still DBSK is my forever favorite.

Ok, will stop here! Meet again mayb....nxt year? Hahahaha! Ciao!


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