Temu Duga PTD M41..........

Assalammualaikum and good day....

This time post after 5 months hiatus, hahahhaha.... about PTD stand for Pegawai Tadbir dan Diplomatik. I actually forgot to post that i do manage to pass online exam on last 1st November. Thanks to Mr.Google of course!

So, one day after that the result come out and i pass.... O_o... LUCKY!! Then almost like one month, they announce the day for interview which is today 20/12/2014.

First of all, i do not have high expectation for this position because well.... emm.. my general knowledge is my weaknesses. I realize i lack on that. However since i got the opportunity, it's a must to grab and learn so that i know my own level.

Today i wake up a little bit late. 6.30am. I need to ironing my clothes and take a bath. I finish preparing myself around 7.30. Luckily there is no jammed. I arrived around 7.55 something. The place is at Suruhanjaya Perkhidmatan Awam. Then, i included a number of candidate like me goes to level 10 to take an exam first. Esei Bahasa Melayu and Esei Bahasa Inggeris. Both paper only got 30 minutes to answer. I got two new friend, Lyng and Suraya. Both are so friendly and we having a good time.

Esei Bahasa Melayu for today need to choose one from two. 1st question is about economy....PASS!! I immediately read 2nd question when i found the word 'economy', hahahha! 2nd question is about sport bring a harmony among community. Yup! Of coz i take no 2! I still want to live and do not wat to suicide yet for choosing question 1, hhhaha! But yeah, even 2nd question sounds easy, i do got brain cram for almost 10 minutes. No idea comeout at all T_T. And my handwriting.....so UGLY!!!

Next, Esei Bahasa Inggeris. Two questions also, choose one. 1st question about paradigm in football, discuss it and 2nd question about speed kills that cause accident. Emm... actually i think both is kinda ok but i choose 2nd as i do know much bout football. Hahhaha! OH MY ENGLISH!! I dun care about grammar at all. I only got 30 minutes!!!

After finish both paper, comes BMI test!! O_O !!! What happen with my weight??? What did i eat?? Oh My God!! It's more than i expected T_T. Many though that we need to run, pumping for this physical test but it's actually only check on BMI..... I'm OVERWEIGHT!!

Finish all that, we get down to level 6. My interview time is 4.20pm as state at letter. However they might don't want to delay so who finish BMI first, straight go to interview. I'm not counting but i think we have like 15 groups which each group consist with myb 20 or 25 candidates. So, in my groups i'm the fifth person to interview.

They got a system like u see inside bank. we got a number and wait for our turns. I got interview with Datin Norasmah Samsudin and there is another one panel that i'm not sure who she is. So, when my turns, i go in, sit and Datin start to talk.

She ask me my background education and my current work. Then, she ask me if i have read about leadership and management books. DAMN! I can only answer 'NO'. It better to be honest rather than lie and suddenly need to explain what is leadership...bla...bla... Then she ask about leaders figure that u lookup. I see Tun Dr Mahathir. After that, i got ask but another panel. Surprisingly she ask me why i born at negeri sembilan but grow up at Batu pahat. So, i answer it earnestly. My parents transfer to batu pahat and bla..bla.. Then she ask why my place which is TAMAN SOGA name by 'SOGA'?? OTTTOKEEE!!! I dun know of coz, hahahhaha! Then she ask about my interest, as i answer i like to travel. Then ask bout which country need visa and currency of country.

FINISH!! but honestly i think i will definitely failed. As i realize the questions that i got is like.......LEVEL 1 difficulty,hahahhaha!!

Its a good experience. What i can say is, if you really really wish to be PTD, study hard please. Improve your general knowledge and prepare very2 well. It might be bcoz i dun hav high interest in PTD that i just take it easy without prepare much. so STUDY STUDY STUDY! And another think, the interviewer questions is UNXPECTED. So you dun hav to focus on certain topics. You have to read all. Because it is really unexpected,hahhahah!

That's all about my experience to share. I give an earlier coongratz to anyone who manage to get this position later on.



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