How Do I Spend RM50 In One Day????

6 Nov 2009...


This is the interesting part or funny facts about me. Yesteday I went to Shah Alam to see my sister. I withdraw some money which is RM50. Do you want to know what happen to that money? Almost vanished in one day. How? Read this :

1. I'm hungry. When I arrived at KL Central, I do plan to eat KFC. So, I appeared in front of KFC counter and being greet by one of the workers. I order what I want to eat. Snack plate, pepsi, cheesy wedges and chicken pop corn. How much the amount is? Can anyone guess? RM 20++....i'm shock too. I mean, is that what I ordering just now?Fufufufuf....

2. Balance RM 30. Next, I went to magazine shop. Buy Klik and Kosmo, RM 5.

3. With a balance RM 25, I sit alone while read the Kosmo. Few second then come one Chinese. He say...'bla...bla...bla...' something about 'derma'. Let just say, if a Malay come to me first to ask a 'derma' I'm willing to give and also if Chinese or Indian come to me first and ask for the same think, I will give them. I don't want some people think that I won't help my own race. So, I give him RM10.

4. Now, the balance is......RM15. Suprise? Hahaha....!

I'm gladly that my sister willing to pay when I cut my hair yesterday, RM18. Thank you, angah. So, that is how I spend RM50 in one day. Was it is worthy or not, I can't say. But for me, I'm not regret even a bit. Ok, that's all. Nothing new except I have a new haircut, short one and layer,huhuhuhuh.. Photobucket


  1. Tu ah gi KL tak bagitau...tulahnya duit "vanish"...LOL


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