22 Sept 2009.....
Actually I don't have enough time right now because my family will ahead to Perak in a minute. So why I have to write it here now? Actually, I have interesting story about this year of Raya. Ok, first of all, happy Eid-ul-fitr to all Muslim in this world. Then, back to the story.
This year raya, as usual, we go back to kampung. And this is the first time we raya without atuk. Wan is crying when she pray Subuh prayer in the raya morning. At the same time, my eyes watering when I saw that scene. Ibu Fizah calm her down and my youngest cousin, Haziq(6 years old) ask Wan, "Kenapa wan nangis?". It was really a sad raya but we still having fun. Then we went to Tuk Ayah house like always. After that went to Mak Su's house before stop at Melaka and stay there for that night.

Jeng...jeng....jeng the interesting part come next. Finally we can go to Singapore this year. All the members are going except my oldest brother. Second day raya, we went to Singapore. Before go there, we stop at Auntie Edah's house. Play chess with Fahim, two round but I won one and loss one,hehehehhe! Kya, go to SIngapore!!! We went through the imegresen and around 6pm we arrived at Tuk Ndak and Wan Ndak's house. I think this is the first time we went there a bit late, around afternoon. Then we went back to Malaysia around 9 pm. Hahahha, actually we lost when we want to find out the checkpoint(imegresen). So we just turn around and round and round until 9pm and find it after ask people,huhuhuhu. No, that is not the interesting part. This is the interesting part. When we queu to check the passport, the car in front of us is so 'lambat'. Then when it is our turn, our car suddenly broke!! We cannot start the engine at all!! That is.....that is...the most unforgettable raya if somebody ask me about raya next time. Some picture to share...
Actually I don't have enough time right now because my family will ahead to Perak in a minute. So why I have to write it here now? Actually, I have interesting story about this year of Raya. Ok, first of all, happy Eid-ul-fitr to all Muslim in this world. Then, back to the story.
This year raya, as usual, we go back to kampung. And this is the first time we raya without atuk. Wan is crying when she pray Subuh prayer in the raya morning. At the same time, my eyes watering when I saw that scene. Ibu Fizah calm her down and my youngest cousin, Haziq(6 years old) ask Wan, "Kenapa wan nangis?". It was really a sad raya but we still having fun. Then we went to Tuk Ayah house like always. After that went to Mak Su's house before stop at Melaka and stay there for that night.

Jeng...jeng....jeng the interesting part come next. Finally we can go to Singapore this year. All the members are going except my oldest brother. Second day raya, we went to Singapore. Before go there, we stop at Auntie Edah's house. Play chess with Fahim, two round but I won one and loss one,hehehehhe! Kya, go to SIngapore!!! We went through the imegresen and around 6pm we arrived at Tuk Ndak and Wan Ndak's house. I think this is the first time we went there a bit late, around afternoon. Then we went back to Malaysia around 9 pm. Hahahha, actually we lost when we want to find out the checkpoint(imegresen). So we just turn around and round and round until 9pm and find it after ask people,huhuhuhu. No, that is not the interesting part. This is the interesting part. When we queu to check the passport, the car in front of us is so 'lambat'. Then when it is our turn, our car suddenly broke!! We cannot start the engine at all!! That is.....that is...the most unforgettable raya if somebody ask me about raya next time. Some picture to share...
TukNdak house
Night safari at Zoo Taiping

waiting for the train car
After Taiping, we went back to BP. But before that stop at Mak Lang's house. Well short the story lah, since first day or raya until forth day of raya, our family travel like crazy. On fifth day, finally we able to went home.

Ah, I want to share also some pictures when me and Aimi went to my sister's school to do a survey. It was before raya and that survey is for our group project Foundation of Quantitative Analysis. And just know that the principal of the school also have his child study in UIA. Luckily I'm not lying anything about UIA, hehehe...
Ok, that's all for now.
Mak lang's house

That's all I think. My duit raya collection......around RM300 maybe. But this year, it quite sad. Especially without Atuk. "Alan, alan tak salam atuk lagi,". I laughing when I watch atuk giggle and wait for my brother's duit raya. That video is last year raya. Seriously until now I don't feel atuk are gone but whenever I remember it, I started to cry. It just that I can feel his existenced, my memory with him, all are sweet and unreplaceable. Each time I enter his bedroom, I can't believe it empty. For the past year, when we arrived at Muar, atuk's room is the first place we went because atuk always sleep and rest there. So, it looks awkward when nobody is in that room now.
Ok, that's all for now.

Gambar pertama dan kedua menggoda...haha...