Look What I Just Bought!!!

Assalammualaikum!!! AKHIRNYA! AKHIRNYA! AKHIRNYA! I successfully manage to hold/own/buy/whatever word it is.....Dato' Siti Nurhaliza new album, 'ALL YOUR LOVE'! Let me show the picture as a proof.. FINALLY!! CHYEAH!! Ok, as i already own this, i will give my little opinion based on my music interest. I love CT but if the song sound...meh to me, i absolutely will not like it. Before i start my mumbling about this album, i wan 2 confess that i actually already download this album for free b4 i buy it. Where? Shh,secret! So, i already listen to all the songs. But luckily the CD price is not too expensive. RM29.90. So, i quickly went 2 near shopping mall and search for CD shop. First of all, i wan to comment about the cd and cover. I dun like it honestly coz too colorful? I like her previous cover album (excluded CTKD album) especially Transkripsi and Prasasti Seni. This cover album and other pictures in it does not show her true...