So happy to be me... ^_^

Assalammualaikum dan salam sejahtera... How are you guys? It's been a time but not so long since the latest post ^_^. The election already finish and the result already known by everyone. Congratz to the chosen one, continue and strive high to build a better nation. For not chosen one, dun give up. You still can give ur best even without a power. But dun become arrogant n ignorant for not accepted the result. Malaysian already voice and cast their vote. So, it is a result for majority of Malaysian. Let's continue moving forward and maintain our integrity and protect our country. I'm still the same here. Working 5 days/week as programmer. Nothing big or obvious happen for the time being. My lovely sister already married last March. Congratz sis!! Ok, and apparently my time will come......soooonnnn..... My relative asking here there, 'Awak bila lg?', 'Dah ada calon x?', 'Orang mana?', and 'bla,bla,bla'. Relaks,relaks. It just pas...